Tag Archives: Princess

So, this happened today. (!!!!)

1 Mar

Now this is a milestone that I can get behind.

And it is also further proof of that whole apple and tree thing I’ve heard so much about.

Which reminds me. I have a story to share with you. And I’d totally tell it to you now,


there are some fierce dress-up clothes that are just a-callin’ my name.

So, tomorrow.

I promise.

But, in the meantime, slap on a pair of sparkly stilettos and show this Thursday what you’re made of.

I know I will.

She had her first day.

9 Jan

Today, my daughter had her first day of school.

Real, big kid school.

I had a hard time believing it.

She had her very first backpack.

She had a hand-drawn cartoon, made by her daddy, which he tucked, carefully, into her school bag.

She had her feathers.

She had her first day.

She had the time of her life.

You know you have a girlie girl when…

2 Oct

You know you have a girlie girl when…

She goes to Rosh Hashana dinner with lipstick on her teeth;

She says “gown” instead of down”;

You lose sight of her in the mall and find her here:

You can always spot her in her hiding spots because of her pink, sparkly shoes. (See above.);

She loves to brush her dolly’s hair. And her Sesame characters’ hair. And her own hair. And, this morning, she tried to brush her cup’s “hair”.  And then, I spotted her going towards her giant bouncy ball, waving her hair brush. I had to look away;

Her giant bouncy ball is pink;

She is named for a Disney Princess;

She won’t leave home without her vintage Gucci “Pock-book” and Abby Cadabby;

She sits on my lap, every morning, as I put on makeup, and as I brush and paint, she smells my perfumes and makes faces in the mirror and plays with every potion she can get her hands on;

She almost always refuses to give out high fives, but will show you her shoes every. single. time.;

She cries, hysterically, if I try to change her diaper, but squeals with glee if I try to put her in a tutu;

So, yes, that’s how you know you’ve got a girlie girl…

Or, at the very least, what I know about the girlie girl that I call mine.

This Weekend!

5 Aug

This weekend is sure to be exciting.

1) The baby is turning 16 weeks.


That’s not a milestone b-day for you?

Well, don’t you remember how it is in our family?

I’m thinking “My Super Sweet 16 (weeks) Princess Style Pinata Par-Tay”

That just rolls right off the tongue, no?

2) TWIN IS A-COMIN’!!!!!!!!!

Yes, my sister from another mister and her better half (otherwise known as puppy Ziggy’s G-d-father) will be in residence, starting tomorrow!!!!!

More reason to celebrate!!!!!

3) This weekend marks the one year anniversary of my first positive pregnancy test. Not that I believed in that second, faint line…but still. It was real.

More to that story, to come….

Crazy Things Can Happen, as Told Through Crappy Cell Phone Photography, The Great Edition

25 Jul

As I may have mentioned before

crazy things can happen, 

when there’s a new baby in the picture. 


I neglected to mention 

an essential category of, 



Perhaps, the craziest category of ’em all:

The Great-Grandparents. 

And yes, these particular Great-Grandparents


and please bear with me, 

pretty great. 

Har Har Har. 

You see, when the Great-Grandmother, 

let us call her Mommom, 

decides to accompany you to the baby store, 

for a bouncy seat, 

and just a bouncy seat, 

crazy things can happen. 

Like this:

And this:

And, maybe even this:


Now, I admit, these close are pretty stinkin’ cute. 

But, nothing is as cute, 

or fabulous, 

as watching my own Mommom

pick out outfit after outfit

for her first, 

and only, 

Great Grandchild. 

It’s these kinds of moments that we all live for. 

The good, the sweet, 

and the plaid. 

Crazy Things Can Happen, as Told Through Crappy Cell Phone Photography

21 Jul

When you become a parent, crazy things can happen.

For instance,

when you are up too late,

and slightly delirious,

You may decide to shop online, for clothing that your baby will fit into in

oh, about a year and a half.


Another crazy thing that can happen,

is when you go to Target,

for essentials,

like diapers,

and soap,

and chocolate soy milk,

and your baby just so happens to be named for your favorite Disney Princess,

this is bound to happen.


And, let us not forget,

that when you and your husband go to the mall,

and park in the lot by the Neiman Marcus children’s section,

you are at risk for this happening…


And this is just what happens to parents.

If you are lucky enough to, some day, become a grandparent, I hear it can be even worse.

Like today, when my mom called me to tell me that she got the baby a little gift….

….for when she turns four. Or five.

An embroidered muff, to wear with her winter coat.

Because, as my mom said, “It’s what every little girl needs.”

She really did say that.

Yes, crazy things can happen.

And guess what?

I love every single crazy one of them.

if growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I’ll never grow up, not me.

16 Jul

This evening, my best friend, let’s call her J, sent me this mobile photo

with the following caption:

“Pinata for baby’s future princess bday parties!”

I, of course, responded with, “OMG!!!!! LOVE it!! Well, Sunday is her 3 month bday–let’s throw a celebration!”

This is the exact conversation that followed:

J: “OMG 3 months already wowwwww i can’t believe it! Just yesterday it was her 3 DAY Bday!!!!!!”

Me: “You’re telling me!!! OK, seriously though, for our bbq in a few weeks, can we get a pinata?”

J:”Best idea ever!!!!!!!!!”

And this, my friends, is when I realize that I may talk the mommy talk, and walk the mommy walk,

but I am so not even close to being a grown-up.

And, let me just add, that this is also when I realize that my daughter is so lucky to have the most fun group of aunts and uncles in the entire world.

I’m just sayin’.

I may still be nothing more than a big kid, posing as a grown-up parent,

But, it’s kind of nice, this way.

My daughter and I can grow up together.

I can teach her how in our family, we celebrate a birthday each month, even as we get older.

I can teach her that you don’t need a special occasion to have a pinata.

I can teach her that a birthday is not a birthday without massive amounts of sweets.

And, most importantly, I can teach her that there are some friends who are more like family, and how that is the sweetest treat of all.

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

17 Jun

My daughter is named after my favorite Disney Princess.

While that may not be the exact reason for the origin of her name, it is also not just a happy coincidence.

And it certainly is fun picking out princess paraphernalia for her, which I hope she will treasure as she gets older.

In fact, once upon a time and over a decade ago, I chose this name for her, hoping that I would have a daughter to bestow it upon. I have been collecting art pieces and souvenirs with her name from all across the world ever since.

I can’t help but daydream about the time, maybe a couple of years down the road, when she will play princesses with me. And watch the Disney movie of her namesake, while snuggled up next to me, as we sing along to some of the favorite songs of my youth.

But, for now, I sing these songs to her. And she smiles. And it is my happily ever after.

Oh, and you’re right. You guessed it. It’s Pocahontas.