Search results for 'girlie'

You know you have a girlie girl when…

2 Oct

You know you have a girlie girl when…

She goes to Rosh Hashana dinner with lipstick on her teeth;

She says “gown” instead of down”;

You lose sight of her in the mall and find her here:

You can always spot her in her hiding spots because of her pink, sparkly shoes. (See above.);

She loves to brush her dolly’s hair. And her Sesame characters’ hair. And her own hair. And, this morning, she tried to brush her cup’s “hair”.  And then, I spotted her going towards her giant bouncy ball, waving her hair brush. I had to look away;

Her giant bouncy ball is pink;

She is named for a Disney Princess;

She won’t leave home without her vintage Gucci “Pock-book” and Abby Cadabby;

She sits on my lap, every morning, as I put on makeup, and as I brush and paint, she smells my perfumes and makes faces in the mirror and plays with every potion she can get her hands on;

She almost always refuses to give out high fives, but will show you her shoes every. single. time.;

She cries, hysterically, if I try to change her diaper, but squeals with glee if I try to put her in a tutu;

So, yes, that’s how you know you’ve got a girlie girl…

Or, at the very least, what I know about the girlie girl that I call mine.

Girlie girls 4eva

27 May

When I first wrote about the joys of having a daughter a whole, long year ago, I never could have imagined that just one summer later, having a fellow girliegirl, who insisted on picking out my polish color last night, would mean I’d have these bad boys goin on. Ahh well, you win some, you lose some.
(who am I kidding? You know I’m secretly obsessed.)

You know you have a girlie-girl when…(the Sunday evening edition)

29 Aug

….you overhear your husband, as he snuggles up in bed with the baby, saying the following:

“Do you want to have girl talk?


Pssss Pssss Pssss

Which boys do you like?

Oh yeah?

That’s soooooo cute. “

File this also under “You know you married an amazing man, who is an incredible father for your little girl.”

you know you have a girlie-girl when…(the Sunday afternoon edition)

29 Aug

…you ask your husband to bring down the fluffy, pink doggy and he asks, “which one?”

…you have the following conversation:

Me: “Look at her new pink tutu!”

Husband: “She has a lot of pink tutus.”

Me: “Does she need another pink tutu?”

Husband: “She is a tutu baby!”

Me: “So, what do you think?”

Husband “I don’t know put it in the Enchanted Garden nook and we’ll think about it.”

…when husband, on his way down to do the laundry, asks, “do you want me to wash the whites first, or the pinks?”

Not the whites or colors, mind you. Just whites or pinks.

If I don’t write, I will burst.

6 May

So, as you well know, I’ve been on a little wriatus. I’ve taken some time off the grid, and it’s been nice.

Certainly, I’ve missed chronicling my daily moments of wonder (from the quick photo snapped of a tiny tush in even tinier skinny jeans to a 2-year-old’s inventive original song lyrics to the foodshots of my many missed meals), but I’ve also been enjoying these things so much that I don’t think I will soon forget them (whether they are cyber-documented or not).

All that said, I thank you for tolerating my absence, and know that I was thinking of you. All the time. Seriously. And you look really nice tonight. I love that color on you.

In any case, I am just recovering from (reeling from. reliving. rejoicing in…) a weekend experience that was so special to me, so overflowing with happiness and emotion

that I could no longer contain myself.

This weekend, I visited my sister’s city, to both cheer her on for a big race and to help a dear friend to celebrate her special birthday.

And this weekend was SO important. Not only was it the first time that I left the baby and her daddy together,

but it was a real weekend away, during which I could feel like me again.

On my way to the train, I got a text from my dearest mama friend, and she told me this:

“Enjoy your Becca (not mommy Becca, not wife Becca, just you) time.”

I mean, come on. How lucky am I?

And so I took that advice and I ran with it. I ran with it in the kind of high wedge sandals that I could never wear while carrying my kid.

I let myself have a total girlie weekend

with my sisters (by both birth and by experience)

and it was so special.

So much about yesterday was wonderful; the bright red manicure my sister coaxed me into getting; the time we had to pour over the different styles of lace in a fancy lingerie shop; the snuggle session on my dear friend’s cozy couch, pouring our hearts out over kale chips and Prosecco; the fact that I had my TWO hands free, at the same time, for 24 hours straight; the moment I saw my sister cross the finish line at a sunrise half marathon, as she obliterated her previous race times; this weekend was so special and I will tell you more, I promise,

but for now,

all I can give you is a single snapshot:

My sister and I got to have lunch together, yesterday. Just the two of us. We were tucked into a small table in the far corner of the coolest little restaurant. We were enveloped in the music of Roy Orbison and The Ronnettes and the other amazing tunes that filled the air. And then there was the food. As I mentioned, my sister was preparing for a half-marathon, so we had to make sure our lunch was a feast (OBVIOUSLY I had to be there for moral support. No one can eat like that alone. I know. I’m a giver.) And so, we decided to order everything on the menu that appealed to us. We started with donuts. One for each of us, and we polished them off so quickly that I barely had time to bop along to the song from Dirty Dancing that swirled over our heads. And then, our table was soon covered in everything from blueberry buttermilk pancakes to perfectly runny eggs to homemade sourdough toast. And more. Lots more. And for two little girls, we put a real hurting on this meal. And by that, I mean we did not leave a single drop. Not a crumb. And this was not just because she needed to store up on resources before running over 13 miles; we ate because we were dining and we dined because we were lost in conversation; the kind of conversation that has become such a luxury for us. When I became a mom, my sister became an Aunt

(an AMAZING Aunt)

and so our conversations are now brief, and in between naps and bedtime, and usually with a chatty toddler chiming in in the background. We do our best to stay in constant (or at least consistent) contact, but it is hard.

But during this brunch, with our favorite songs playing

and our bellies full

we were able to talk. To really talk. We talked about future baby names and gave each other life advice and we planned things together and it was precious. So precious and it brought us

–us as the “us” we became 23 years ago when we became sisters–

back to life.

And we both knew it.

Because, when it’s all said and done, she’s my sister. And I will have no other.

She’s the one who knew, an hour after brunch, that it would take me at least 15 minutes and 3 “false starts” before deciding on my nail polish color.

I’m the one who woke up with her every hour from 1am-3am to make sure she was OK before race day.

She’s the one who lit up and shouted in surprise and glee, her arms raised high over her head, as she saw us cheering for her at mile 9

and I’m the one who felt so grateful that I was there to cheer right back at her.

She’s the one who just called me, as I sat here typing these words about my adoration for her,

just to thank me for being so supportive of her and making her so happy.

And I’m the one who says,

I love you, too. More than you will ever know.

So, a snapshot of two sisters

who love each other more than they could ever express

and who,

no matter how many things they have going on in their own lives

will always make time for each other.

And for donuts.


I mean…

21 Feb

Not only does this girlie girl insist upon accessorizing,

but she even chose to do so with feathers.

She’s a keeper, she is.

About Mommy

28 Oct

Hey there!


Thank you so much for stopping by.

You may been here before. Thanks so much for sticking around.

But, perhaps you’re new here. Perhaps you’ve wandered these parts before, but you’re not sure. Perhaps you need something to jog your memory. Perhaps you’re not a newbie, per se, but haven’t been here since the beginning.

I’m here to catch you up.

See that tab right over there?

Yeah. There —————————————>

That’s my little bio, but really, it’s a bit stale. Things have changed. Of course I’m still parenting a Princess Baby with my Prince Charming, and things are still wonderful,

and also sometimes scary,

but my little girl has grown up before my eyes. And now, she actually can have an intelligible conversation with me. And since I started this journey of writing from Land of Mom, my girl got glasses. And this new path allowed both of us to look at the world differently. So, I write about it.

And since I began chronicling my “Ever After”, I had a very important “promotion”; Not only am I a teacher at the most warm, wonderful, vibrant, colorful, amazing school, but I have now also become a parent there. It is the BEST.

So that’s me. That’s who I am and what I do. But, most importantly, I want thank you for taking this journey with me. Whether this is your first or four-hundredth visit, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being a part of my ever after.

And now, in order to get us all up to speed, here are my cliff notes; an abridged version of how I got here today.

Much love and baby kisses,

Mommy Becca

Mommy, Ever After; The Cliff Notes:

I was born. I know, spoiler alert, right?! Read about Baby Becca.

I lived, I loved, yada yada yada….I met my husband.

The Story Of Us

The Story of Us–Chapter 1

The Story of Us–Chapter 2

The Story of Us–Chapter 3

He liked it, so he put a ring on it.

The Proposal Story

The Proposal, Part Une

The Proposal, Part Deux

The Proposal, Part Trois

The Proposal, Part Quatre

The Proposal, Part Forever

And we got married and decided to grow a baby. And she had to come out, somehow.

The Birth Story (Caution: Not for the Faint of Heart)

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5–A Happy Ending

(Spoiler Alert:) It’s a girl!

A girlie girl.

She was named for a Superhero.

Oh, and I breastfed her for 17 3/4 months.

Also, you should probably know that

I am obsessed with feathers, and this is why.

(read more about my feather obsession here. ) And I always keep an eye out for pennies.

In my house, we have nightly dance parties,

obsessions with Sex and the City, Dirty Dancing and Top Chef

and absolutely no boundaries.

I sing.

I have an incredibly tight family.

And we always save room for dessert.

There you have it. A small glimpse into the highlights of this land I call home.

I hope you stick around. I hope you enjoy.

Because what would breakfast be

7 Oct

without at least a few accessories?

Oh, and I rest my case.