Just because.

15 Nov

“If you could have one wish, what would it be?”

I asked my daughter, as we snuggled under the covers last night.

“That you will make me popcorn for dessert.”

“No,” I said. “I mean a serious wish.”

“Ok. Then I would wish for a beautiful necklace.”

“I mean something really important.”

She looked at me, right in the face, and said, “I wish that you would be happy every day.”


This was in my daughter’s school bag today, placed in there by a friend who wanted me to have a little something to smile about. She’s the friend who brings me a cupcake to carline; the friend who got me the Fox mug that I use to drink hot cocoa every single night; the friend that bought my baby the outfit he wore when he came home from the hospital, so that he would have something special and new.

She makes me want to be a better friend. That will actually be a New Year’s Resolution of mine. I don’t often make them, but this year I want to. I want to be better. I want to be a better friend. Instead of rushing through stores doing errands, I want to let simple, special little things catch my eye and say, “You know what? I know someone who would like that.” And then buy it for them. Just because.

Because as the recipient of so many of these “just because” gifts in the past year, I have a great desire to pay it forward, but also to be a more generous and thoughtful human being. So much of the past year I have been focused inward. I don’t say that as an insult to myself, as I know that I had to focus on myself in order to heal, but I want next year to focus on those around me. I want to make people smile, unexpectedly. I have received so much love and support, in every medium possible, and I want to give back. I want to not just notice a cute mug or a pretty pad of paper, I want to buy it and surprise a friend with it and maybe, make her afternoon a bit sweeter.

And, I want to be happy every day.

And have popcorn for dessert.

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