Go team.

31 Mar

Something amazing just happened.

It was one of those slightly hectic moments in my daily routine, during which time I take both kids out of the car, unpack my daughter’s backpack, unpack her lunch bag, clean out her lunch bag, put away any groceries or things I’ve picked up…

and as I was doing all of that, I heard singing from the other room.

Do you remember that Peg + Cat song I talked about during my birth story?

We are two, na na na na na,

Me plus you, na na na na na.

My daughter was rocking my son in his car seat, singing that to him.

And I realized something profound;

It isn’t the two of us anymore; it is the two of them.

They are now the team

that will gang up together against us to get a dog,

or a newt,

or to let them stay up late;

They will cover for each other when one of them breaks curfew;

They will help each other with navigating through things like homework and friendships and



They are now a team.

They are two.

And I am in awe.

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