wordless weekdays

16 Oct


Remember me?
It’s been awhile,

hasn’t it?

Aw, thanks,

I’ve missed you, too!

You see, this week I was feeling a bit under the weather,

and, apparently, so has WordPress.

It isn’t that I haven’t had a lot to say, I just haven’t had a way to say it.

Like, on Wednesday–

It was to be a Wordless Wednesday,

for this picture says it all.

Because on Wednesday it got really cold, and reminded me of last winter,

which reminded me of said photo, and furry sweaters

on furry dogs.

On Thursday, I was going to write about my sore throat, and how it’s no longer easy to take it easy when you’re a mommy.

My husband did manage to help, though.

He went to the grocery store and got me an assortment of soups. He handed me this

Before presenting me with it, he said, “I got you something I think you’ll like because of the extremely high sodium content.”

I’m not kidding.

He said that.

He was right.

On Friday, I was going to write about Shabbat.

And Sesame Street.

The letter of the day on Friday was the letter S.

As the sun set and the Sabbath started, baby and I watched Sesame Street, while waiting for daddy to come home.

It was Salsa day for Elmo, and squash night for baby. She ate her squash, as I tried to coax a smile by salsa dancing around the slippery floor in my socks, sliding as I shimmied across baby’s line of sight. Daddy couldn’t get home soon enough for either of us.

Oh, I know what you’re thinking.

S is also for sleep. So funny, they had an S day with Salsa dancing, and an S night with so much sleep.

And I would say, you would be wrong.

Sweet sleep eluded us last night, as the baby fussed and tossed and cried and complained.

It was just Splendid. Stupendous, in fact.


And now, I’m Sleepy.

Very, very sleepy.

So sleepy.


it’s time for me to leave you,

but, hopefully not for too long, this time.

Just for a bit, so I can catch a few more zzzzzzs….

or, at the very least, a couple ssssssssssssss.


One Response to “wordless weekdays”


  1. I love it when we’re cruisin’ together. « mommy, ever after - October 16, 2010

    […] Today, as I spoke to my mommom and complained about our sleepless night, […]

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